HR Roundtable
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 (7:30 AM - 9:00 AM) (EST)
Join us for our quarterly HR Roundtable. Quarterly HR Roundtables will include a speaker, networking and discussion time.
January Topic: FGKS Law will be providing an update on Employee Laws for 2023.
HR Roundtables are open to everyone in an HR role - HR directors, HR generalist, Small Business owners, Non-profit directors, etc. The purpose of the HR Roundtable is to provide an opportunity for those whose primary duty is HR to discuss trending topics, share best practices, network and here from industry experts.
Membership is open to Troy Chamber members only.
Hobart Arena - Bravo Room
255 Adams Street
Troy, OH 45373
255 Adams Street
Troy, OH 45373
Tuesday, January 24, 2023 (7:30 AM - 9:00 AM)
Business Before Hours
HR Council
Chamber Of Commerce
Business Before Hours
HR Council
Chamber Of Commerce
Registered Guests
13 See Attendee List
13 See Attendee List
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