EmpowHER - A Day for Women
Friday, March 1, 2024 (10:45 AM - 4:00 PM) (EST)
EmpowHER - A Day For Women
The EmpowHER event began in 2019 to celebrate International Women's Day and to empower women leaders in business. The event is held annually on the first Friday in March.
Information EmpowHER Welcomes:
Heather Salazar - President & CEO of Pink Ribbon Good
Topic: Finding Your Mojo After Adversity
Christy Shell, M. Ed. - Owner/Founder of Zeal Coaching for Life & Career
Extraordinary You: The Practical Magic of Finding Your Awesomeness.
Do you think extraordinary things only happen to other people? Christy Shell, the self-described ordinary girl turned author, certified life and career coach, entrepreneur, and dyslexic overachiever, is here to challenge you to think again. THE KEY to unlocking and living an extraordinary life every day is discovering and aligning your deeper, truer self with all you do. In this interactive and inspiring talk, Christy will illustrate the core of her proven coaching process that has assisted hundreds of people to realize their incredible potential and learn how to unleash their awesomeness in their lives & careers.
Christy Shell, M.Ed., founded and owns Zeal Coaching for Life & Career in Troy, Ohio. For over 20 years, she has been a catalyst for students, adults, and business leaders to ignite their lives and careers with passion, purpose, love, and success… to live with Zeal!
Janet Jackson - Owner, Consultant, Trainer of Organization Solutions
Doing What Matters Most: Over the course of any given day, there seems to be an endless barrage of incoming items: emails, phone calls, paper, meetings, and so on. If you’re like many, you end the day feeling like you didn’t even get to do what was important. In this session, we’ll discuss a few simple strategies to help you manage the work, take back some control of your day, and have more time for what matters most.
$45 Troy Chamber Members
$50 Future Chamber Members
$150 Supporting Sponsor
$450 Table Sponsor
Presenting Sponsor
Table Sponsor - $450 - Table sponsors receive logo recognition in electronic media and signage at the event. The sponsorship includes a table of eight (8) with your logo featured on the table and verbal recognition at the event.
Supporting Sponsor - $150 - The supporting sponsor package includes one (1) ticket to the event and an opportunity to have a table display.
Individual Ticket - $45 Troy Chamber Members
Future Chamber Members - $50
500 S Dorset Road
Troy, OH 45373 United States
Check In & Networking - 10:45am to 11:15am
Welcome – 11:15am
Lunch Buffett – 11:30am
Speaker 1 – 11:45pm to 12:45pm
Power20 – 12:45pm to 1:05pm
10 Minute Break
Speaker 2 – 1:15pm to 2:00pm
10 Minute Break
Speaker 2 - 2:10pm to 3:00pm
Speaker 3– 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Closing – 4:00pm
Business Expo
Ambassador Team
Chamber Of Commerce
161 See Attendee List